June 2024 Journal Update
Phew, June was another rough month health-wise! I am feeling very tired at the end of it and will be having an early night with a 0% beer and cheesy horror film once I've finished this update. And you have to be extra nice about this lot of work because I've been poorly, got it?!
Let's start the usual way, with this month's line-up of postcard sized landscapes. I think you can really see the onset of summer in this round! You can enjoy them individually in this gallery.
My adventures in the Beechmore sketchbook continued and you can see some testing of mixed media that pop up in other pieces. Check out the sketchbook gallery for individual pages by clicking the composite below.
I was doing even more mixed media experiments in my A3 Gecko sketchbook and I suspect some of these pages will end up as lovely collage papers. See the whole thing so far by clicking the composite below.
I added another watercolour to my line-up of A3 portraits which then led to a bigger piece later in the month. The paper I used is just cellulose and designed for use with acrylic but it's like super thick 400GSM and was actually really nice to use watercolour on.
I was still feeling inspired after last month's trip to the Haining, specifically by the lily pads, which led to these three tall canvases. These colours and shapes are just full of good vibes, even my cranky heart feels good when looking at them! I've put them with the rest of the paintings made after that trip in this gallery.
I also made this duo of Moonlit Picnic still life paintings. There's a lot of playing with transparency for a ghostly atmosphere that I'm very pleased with and I'm so keen to bring more story telling in to my still life work.
I finished the month with one of my favourite things to paint...a big ol' funky watercolour portrait! This followed the smaller one from earlier in the month and I love the orange in the foliage. It's a combo of raw sienna and cadmium red and if you look closely it splits in to red, yellow and pink, it's soooo pretty!
That's June over and done with, thankfully! Good news is that July is my birthday month and that means I'll definitely be in better shape...right? I hope so as I have lots of painting I want to crack on with. Also, in July you can see some of my stuff in person at the Galashiels Studio Club exhibition (Old Gala House, Galashiels) and at Neuk Perspectives (WASPS Patriothall Gallery, Edinburgh).
I'll be back in a month to let you know what art I get up to. See you then!